2. Lessons on Google Classroom


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19, 20 (NIV)


At Morning Star we take seriously the mandate of our Savior to go make disciples. In order to become a disciple one must study to show themselves approved, a workman that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of God.

The goal of our Christian Education Ministry is to grow strong disciples - spiritually, emotionally and intellectually. Classes will be available for Children, Youth, Young Adults and Adults. There will be three areas of study: Discipleship, Stewardship and Spiritual Formation.

Mission Statement
As a body of believers, we have been called by God to assist persons in becoming confident Christians. We will:

      • Encourage, empower and equip men and women to fulfill their God determined purpose through our small group sessions.
      • Make new disciples as we share God's love with all people.
      • And, stir up spiritual growth through worship, prayer, discipleship, stewardship and the study of the word of God.

Vision Statement
The vision of the Christian Education Ministry is to provide spiritual growth opportunities and programs that assist the people of God in developing a life style of Christian service, character and conduct.

Jesus spent three years with His disciples and this powerful three-year, small group framework models that journey. Individuals will be assigned to classes based on age and work through dedicated spiritual growth tracks which connect them to Jesus and their fellow classmates. Morning Star members will participate in the program. The up coming program will include:

1: Growing In Christ
2: Experiencing God
3: The Mind of Christ

In addition to these dedicated tracks, the Christian Education program also includes additional spiritual growth classes including The Battlefield of the Mind, Wives of the Bible and Centering Prayer.

Spiritual Formation
Spiritual Formation is an in depth look into the spiritual disciplines including prayer, study, fasting, mediation, simplicity and worship. The prerequisite for the Spiritual Formation program is graduation from the above three Discipleship program.

Stewardship program
Stewardship is about being grateful, responsible stewards of the gifts we receive from God.

Mt 21:33-36 In this parable we are given seven ways God deals with bad stewards.

  1. There may be some confusion as to what stewardship means- it means: managing that which belongs to another.
  2. We are accustomed to dispensing what we have acquired and have in our possession.  To use and dispense it according to our pleasure. The practice of giving back to God and to the church comes from the Biblical practice of “tithing,” which means to give back a tenth of our earnings to God (Numbers 18:26). Stewardship is also about contributing time and talents. 

Our Stewardship Ministry will be committed to the growth of persons in the area of Stewardship. Some of our class offerings will include these 9 areas of stewardship: Stewardship of Life, Stewardship of Time, Stewardship of Calling or Vocation, Stewardship of Influence, Stewardship in Material Things, Stewardship of Individuality, Stewardship of Ability and Opportunity, Stewardship of Calling, Stewardship- 100%. Our Stewardship programs will be open to the public.

Upcoming Events