We are created to worship God and are called to do all that we do for God's glory (Psalm 150:6, Isaiah 43:7, Colossians 3:17). At MSR we not only believe this truth, but seek to live it out every day. We worship because God is worthy of our praise and adoration, and because it allows our perspective of God's greatness to be refreshed. When we worship we are declaring that He is greater and we are lesser, and it is through this ascription of worth to God that we find our greatest joy (John 3:30). Our worship is not a warmup for the sermon, but rather practice for heaven (Revelation 5:9-13, 15:3-4). Our worship doesn't stop when the music stops, but continues on through any action of our heart, mind, and soul that expresses the worth of the triune God. We want our worship on Sunday to be an overflow of our private worship during the week, not the time that we fill our spiritual tank and hope to coast to the next Sunday service.
● Vertically Focused:
When we gather to worship God we lay our preferences aside, focus our attention on God, and lift our hearts and voices to Him, giving praise and thanks through music. (Psalm 66:1-4, Psalm 95:1-2). The songs we sing are chosen to help us take our eyes off of the trials of this world, and place them on our one true hope, Jesus Christ.
● Biblically Saturated:
The content of our songs, prayers, and preaching will always conform to the truth of scripture (2 Timothy 3:16, Isaiah 40:8). God's Word is the supreme authority in all matters concerning faith and conduct for believers, and because of this our services are planned with the intention of putting biblical truths in the mouths of our church family through singing, and in their hearts and minds through preaching.
● Head Worship and Heart Worship:
Jesus tells us that true worshipers worship in spirit and in truth, and that we are to love God with all of our hearts, soul and mind. (John 4:23-24, Matthew 22:37). Worshiping God in truth (head worship) allows us to have clear thinking about spiritual matters and leads to loving God more with our mind. If we do not worship God in truth then we worship a false god. Worshiping in spirit (heart worship) allows us to have authentic emotional responses towards God, which leads to loving God with all of our heart and soul. Our fulfillment of the great commandment begins when we worship God the way He wants to be worshiped.
● Contemporary style with a recognition of traditional:
God loves new songs, and the timeless realities of scripture expressed in fresh ways move our us to worship in spirit and in truth (Psalm 96:1). While our worship is strongly contemporary, we seek to celebrate different styles and expressions of worship, not for pleasing the desires of the people, but to demonstrate how the celebration of God's glory goes beyond personal taste (Matthew 13:52). We seek to emphasize contemporary expressions while retaining elements of traditional worship to celebrate the richness of our heritage in the faith (Deuteronomy 32:7, Isaiah 46:8-9, Ephesians 5:19)
● Transparency & Excellence:
As human beings we recognize that we are sinful and fallen (Romans 3:23). Because of this truth we do not seek perfection within the worship ministry, rather we seek excellence (Psalm 33:3). The goal of excellence is not an end to itself, but rather a means of avoiding distraction during the worship time (Psalm 115:1, 1 Timothy 4:14-15). This allows us to turn the attention away from ourselves and creates an environment where our church family can have a worshipful encounter with the Living God. The purpose of our worship is to communicate the message, not to draw attention to the messenger.
Our worship ministry is always looking for new volunteers, whether it's as a part of the Audio/Visual crew, as an instrumentalist, or as a vocalist. We are looking for faithful people who are able to serve at least once a month as part of the team. If you are interested in serving please make sure you meet the following criteria before filling out an application:
- we only accept applications if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior
- it's a higher value for us that Orchard Valley is your church home before it becomes a ministry for you to serve in.
- we have a healthy culture of constructive feedback in our auditions.
- we value preparedness at the weekend, and giving and receiving input lovingly and constructively, which we will do if you join our team. If you're not wanting feedback on your playing and skill, this might not be the best environment to serve in, and we'd be happy to find another way to serve at MSR.
Click here to download the worship ministry application. Thanks