Women's Ministry


The women's ministry at MSR is here to assist the church in its God-given mission to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and to develop women as authentic, passionate, Christ-followers. Our goals are centered around the following:

Reaching up
We are here to help you as you grow to know and love the Lord Jesus Christ, to help you draw near to and develop a strong relationship with God through prayer and study of the Word of God.

Reaching Within
Our desire is assist you as become honest, real and passionate in your relationship with Christ. We are here to assist you as you learned to follow him, as you grow and mature spiritually, and as you learn to engage in and win difficult battles in your life.

Reaching Out
We are here to spread the good news about Jesus Christ to people everywhere. Our goal is to help you impact others with the good news and to reach people everywhere. Our goal is that every woman we come into contact with will hear the gospel, be loved, cared for, and nurtured according to Christ's example regardless of age, socioeconomic or marital status, culture, past life, etc.

We are women who have come to know and love the Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore, are committed to loving God and loving others! Our ministry is based on the Biblical principle of serving from the overflow.(Romans 15:13).

We believe women's ministry is important....
.....because the bonds and friendships between women are useful tools in the hand of God.
.....because women have unique needs, that other women can meet.
.....because women are given unique gifts and abilities by God that other women can benefit from.
.....because women are able to love on one another in ways that women understand.
.....because women are natural caregivers and are able to disciple, mentor, and care for one another in ways that are unique to women.

Join us as we grow to know and love Jesus and one another!

In addition to:
Bible/topical classes
prayer partners
evangelism & outreach
mission work
discipleship and mentoring,

learning and growing in Jesus at OVBC includes plenty of fellowship time! Come and join us at any of the following!

Hang Nights- Held throughout the year. UFO night, movie night, chick night, etc. On UFO(unfinished object) night you are invited to bring and complete any unfinished craft or project you have been working on. Have snacks, enjoy friendship and fun while working on that unfinished object! Spend time getting to know your sisters in Christ!

Annual Fall Retreat- This year's fall retreat will be held in September at Silver Birch Ranch in White Lake Wisconsin.  Silver Birch is a beautiful retreat camp with many activities including horseback riding, prayer chapel, volleyball, zip lining, archery, shooting range, crafts, and more (not to mention the opportunity to get away and spend time with God and His word!)  More details to follow!  Visit the website at www.silverbirchranch.org.  All are welcome!"

Yearly Fall Brunch and Spring Luncheon-usually held in a convenient time in Fall, the brunch is a time where women get together to kick off new year of women's ministry. There is time for food, fellowship, testimonies, a short talk, and a presentation of upcoming events and classes.

The Spring luncheon is held at a convenient time in the spring. It is a time to honor Christ through friendship, food, testimonies, a short talk or story, and doing activities women love!

Thank you for viewing our website! 

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