Children's Ministry

Thank you for considering OVBC's Children's Ministry for your own kid(s)! We think of our time together on Sunday mornings as time spent in the King's Court. We focus on three things:

1. Talking to God our King in prayer (Philippians 4:6-7, Hebrews 4:14-16)
2. Hearing what He has to say to us in the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:21)
3. Having fun to the glory of God (2 Samuel 6:14, Psalm 150, 1 Corinthians 10:31)

It is our sincere hope and prayer that your child's time in our Children's Ministry will prepare him or her to serve in the world as an ambassador for Christ the King (2 Corinthians 5:17-21). We have classes for kids up through elementary school during our 10:00 a.m. worship service. Currently we use Answers Bible Curriculum from Answers in Genesis. Come and check us out!


Children Matter at Morning Star. Our comprehensive program is designed for children Pre-K to 5th Grade. The program is focused on spiritual growth, fellowship and fun. In addition to field trips, fundraisers and outreach events and an Annual Children’s Day (June) Celebration, activities include:

• Back to School Back Pack Give-Away and Fun Day (August)
• Harvest Fall Festival (October)
• Christmas Fellowship
• Black History Month Program
• Easter Celebration

Here is more information regarding the spiritual growth programs, and questions regarding any of the Children's programs or activities can be email directly to the ministry at

Church School, or Sunday School, will utilize the Urban Ministries Institute, Inc. (UMI) curriculum to connect children with the story of Jesus Christ and the Bible. UMI follows the International Lesson Series, enabling each age group to study the same scriptures at the same time. The lessons present the Word of God from an African American perspective and allows students to see images of themselves and read materials that are culturally relevant. Stories and illustrations show actual living situations; roles depicted show how the Children learn of God’s love for them; helps build healthy self-concepts, etc. Reading readiness techniques, plus learning directly from the bible allow children to grow to read the bible for themselves.

Wednesday evenings, the Children’s Discipleship Ministry meet in their age and grade appropriate classes in order to study the Word of God so that our children know the Word for themselves. The Children’s Discipleship Ministry uses the Hands on Bible Curriculum entitled “Faith Weaver Now curriculum” which is designed to help our children learn to serve as Christ’s disciples for life. Children will discover the principals for victorious living and will learn to know Jesus, love Him, obey Him and serve Him. Faith Weaver Now uses interactive learning that will give our children knowledge of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

Children’s Church is an opportunity for children to celebrate their love for the Lord. Also known as Greater Praise, this service is a worship experience focused totally on children and building their understanding of the Bible and promoting a meaningful relationship with God. Children will take an active part from the opening ice breakers, dancing, singing, ushering, laughter, arts/crafts, to the delivery of the spoken word or lesson for the day.

Important Note:  All volunteers who work with our children and youth must complete the MSBC Abuse Prevention and Risk Management Plan training.  The training program provides critical information and training for persons who volunteer in our children and youth programs.  In addition to completing the training, volunteers must also agree to a criminal background check.  Ministering to, and at the same time, protecting OUR children is of paramount importance to the Ministry.  For more information regarding this training program, contact the Church’s Director of Human Resources .



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